Self-Help Groups
Vision Center of the Disabled Kenya helps to group them into disease-related groups and train them for entrepreneurship and empowerment through in-depth training and to find sponsors based on what they can do.

Vision Center of the Disabled Kenya helps to group them into disease-related groups and train them for entrepreneurship and empowerment through in-depth training and to find sponsors based on what they can do.
OUR GOAL :People with disabilities and their family members participate in groups to resolve common problems, enhance their individual strengths, and improve their quality of life.
Key concepts
Vision Center of the Disabled Kenya has experience and knowledge in the field of work, we have improved the performance of our management structures, we hired experts, come to the side of the goals we have including ,we are going to building strong unity and building organizations, training them to create jobs and find solutions for their own themselves.
characteristics of self-help groups that are associated with programmers include their:
- Voluntary nature – they are run by and for group members, have regular meetings, and are open to new members
- Generally being formed in response to a particular issue, e.g. no access to education for children with disabilities, limited income-generating opportunities;
- Clear goals, which originate from the needs of group members and are known and shared by all members
- Informal structure and basic rules, regulations and guidelines to show members how to work effectively together
- Participatory nature – involving getting help, sharing knowledge and experience, giving help, and learning to help oneself
- Shared responsibility among group members – each member has a clear role and contributes his/her share of resources to the group;
- Democratic decision-making;
- Governance by members, using an external facilitator only if necessary in the formation of the group
- Evolution over time to address a broader range of issues;
Possibility of joining together to form a federation of groups across a wider area to build capacity and promote strong foundations on disabilities related agenda